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/ HyperLib 1997 Winter - Disc 1 / HYPERLIB-1997-Winter-CD1.ISO.7z / HYPERLIB-1997-Winter-CD1.ISO / オンラインウェア / GAME / Star Patrol 1.6.sit / Star Patrol 1.6 / Star Patrol 1.6 PPC / Star Patrol.rsrc / PICT_9500_Using Help.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1995-07-19  |  6KB  |  508x287  |  1-bit (2 colors)
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OCR: Welcome to Star Patrol Help You got here by selecting He1p from the About Star Patrol from the App1e Menu by typing the He1p key on an Extended Keyboard by typing ? or by select ing Star Patrol He1p from the Syst tem Help Menu. Any of these act ions will resuli ir the Star Patro1 He1p dialog you are now reading The popup menu at the bot tom left of this screen will allow you to select the topic you are currently interested When you select topic this eare will change to he1p relating to that topic The game will be paused while you are in this dialog, so take your time When nof are through click the "OK' but ton at the lower right lecting Apple System result al1ow aree wher butt